Creating Human-Centered Opportunities for Innovation, Creativity, and Collaboration


Education is a human right, a pathway to wellness and self-realization…

Inclusive education ensures equity by creating learning opportunities through caring human relationships, within structures and systems that are safe, accessible, and engaging.

Holistic coaching provides resources and opportunities specific to their needs for social and emotional development, wellness, and self-realization.

“Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26).”



IEC services include coaching, consultation, and professional development opportunities in planning and implementing high quality holistic learning opportunities for diverse learners. Clients include schools, non-profit leaders, education-based organizations, and parents .

Inclusive Education Consulting student with mask transition planning for reopening post-COVID school closures

Leadership Support and Coaching:

  • Designing inclusive programs / school start-up support services.

  • Building inclusive leadership structures and high-functioning collaborative teams.

  • Developing school-wide plans to improve student attendance, engagement, wellness and academic opportunities.

  • Improving inclusion/special education programing and service delivery through the implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)

Inclusive Education Consulting teacher professional development services universal design for learning principles (UDL) workshops and trainings culturally relevant educational practices pedagogical practices

Teacher Development:

  • Universal Design for Learning Principles (UDL) courses, workshops and training.

  • Incorporating projects- based and culturally relevant educational practices.

  • Planning for safe and inclusive learning classroom environments and trauma-sensitive pedagogical practices.

  • Addressing students’ social-emotional needs within the classroom.

  • Planning for data-based continuous academic improvement.

Inclusive Education Consulting support for parents and students maximizing educational opportunities goals development learning differences emotional learning

Parent Empowerment:

  • Parent coaching and education consulting services:

    • Developing individualized short-term and long-term education plans and holistic wellness goals for neurodiverse children.

    • Planning for individual needs of children and adolescents with developmental and learning differences, at home and in schools.

    • Coaching and emotional support for parents as they support their children’s unique journeys.


Dr. Golnar Abedin

Inclusive Education Consulting (“IEC”) was founded by Golnar Abedin, Ph.D., who is a parent, school founder, and educator, to support organizations, schools and families seeking to enhance the lives of children, adolescents, and adults by creating and improving educational opportunities.


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